
Extra With Every Bite: A Brand Update Served Fresh
The Challenge:

Newk’s Eatery approached us with a flavorful yet intricate challenge: to refresh their brand identity in a way that would resonate deeply with their audience, both visually and verbally. Their existing brand, rich in culinary tradition and community connection, needed a modern twist to stay relevant and appealing in an ever-evolving market.

Newk’s aimed to enhance its digital presence while maintaining the essence of its beloved, homegrown feel. They sought innovative video ads, engaging animations, a website overhaul, fresh photography, and dynamic social media management. The goal was to reinvigorate their brand without losing the authenticity and charm that their customers cherished. It was a delicate balance of infusing contemporary flair with their time-honored warmth.

Our Approach:

White Unicorn Agency embraced this culinary quest with a blend of creativity and strategic thinking. We stirred up the brand identity, adding a pinch of modernity while preserving the heart and soul of Newk’s. Our design team cooked up a vibrant visual palette and new logo iterations that spoke to both legacy and innovation. The copywriting was seasoned with wit and warmth, ensuring that every word resonated with Newk’s unique voice.

Video ads and animations were crafted to not only tell the Newk’s story but also to engage and entice the viewer, creating a memorable brand experience. The website was redesigned as a digital feast for the eyes, optimized for user experience and interactivity, while our social media strategy put the spotlight on engaging content and community building, reflecting Newk’s commitment to quality and connection.


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